We believe that God’s Word, the Bible is the divine Truth that guides us, shapes us and moves us. The Word is the divine revelation of who God is and what he has accomplished.
We believe that the third member of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, resides in the believer that has repented of his or her sin and has turned to the Gospel of Jesus Christ for their salvation. The Spirit moves us, empowers us and speaks to us, and is an active agent in our lives.
We believe that the Church is commissioned to spread the Good News of the Gospel to all nations. We believe that the Spirit empowers us for this mission, teaching and growing us through our lives in community.
We believe that the cross signifies to us that our God sent his son down to earth, lived 33 sinless years and died a death that we deserved. We believe that when he was raised after three days, sin was defeated and in His resurrection we were given life.
The Church at Bevo believes that because God is always seeking after His people, we are called to do the same. We are people that are sent out to love the world, out of the love that we have for our Father. We are called to be a light in our communities, our cities and the world. We are called to spread the joy that is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
As Christian’s we find our identity in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He’s life, death, resurrection and ascension provides us with life and as the perfect example. Jesus lived on earth as the perfect servant and because of who He is, we are called to do the same. We are called to serve each other, our families and the least of these.
We believe that because Jesus died on the cross for our sins, we have been bought into the family of God. This family transcends any worldly family and unites us together for eternity. As a family, we are called to gather and serve each other as any family would. We are called to bring people into our family, love them as family and show the world how family can be.